Golf Club Udine
Via dei Faggi, 1, Italy
Tietoa golfkentästä
Note: Booking a tee time at this club is a request, we will confirm the booking with Golf Club Udine.
Over 7,000 meters of majestic views with excellent greens that are well-defended by bunkers. This course is challenging, more suitable for experienced players who truly want to put their abilities to the test. The beautiful golf course of Udine has a very natural flow to the course design, with the different streets following the contours of the Morainic Hills.
- ArkkitehtiN/D
- KenttätyyppiParkland
- Väyliä18
- PAR72
Ei saatavillaLisäpalvelut
- Golfauto
- Caddien varaus
- Pukuhuone
- Lähipelialue
- Range
- Mailojen vuokraus
- Golfopetus
- Kaapit
- Harjoitusbunkkeri
- Pro shop
- Kärry
- Harjoitusviheriö
- Juhlasali
- Ravintola
+39 043 280 0418