Golf Club Carimate
Via Airoldi, 2, Italy
Tietoa golfkentästä
Note: Booking a tee at this club is a request, we will confirm the booking with Golf Club Carimate.
Refurbished and modernized in 2007, this innovative golf course is still characterized by the traditional design that was established back in 1962. The streets are naturally undulating, pleasant, and delicate. The course is generally wide, lined with dense vegetation and a botanical setting filled with ten thousand plants. A beautiful golf course well-balanced with nature.
- ArkkitehtiN/D
- KenttätyyppiParkland
- Väyliä18
- PAR71
Ei saatavillaLisäpalvelut
- Golfauto
- Caddien varaus
- Pukuhuone
- Lähipelialue
- Range
- Mailojen vuokraus
- Golfopetus
- Kaapit
- Harjoitusbunkkeri
- Pro shop
- Kärry
- Harjoitusviheriö
- Juhlasali
- Ravintola
+39 031 790 226